PAYMENT: All our operations are processed cash or regulars to 60 days maximum physical delivery date, and in accordance with law 15/2010. The failure to fulfill the commitment of payment will imply the cancellation of the credit account. The goods shall be deposited in the customer's premises until payment of the total bill is issued, remain the property of JJB Euromangueras, SL while you have not paid the full amount of the service or supply .Payment terms are for sales in Spain. For other countries will be specified in each case. Those orders not exceeding 125 € uros (TWENTY PERCENT) in its tax base, must be paid CASH. If rotation is expressly authorizes the charge in the current account indicated. (Law 16/2009) Amounts of less than 125 Euros take charges 3 Euros for administrative expenses. For new customers, the first operations were paid CASH. The successive and previous business reports were agreed under current legislation. Our invoices are issued in digital format (PDF)
We accept payment through VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS through PAYPAL
The security of transactions is guaranteed by financial institutions that offer the service. These will any bank that offers the service, paypal, and others. Our company and web data does not store your credit card or bank account.